Working out…mixing it up!


I have set a goal to lose 50lbs this year. So far I am down 25 but have been a little stalled lately.  Too many dinners out and wine lol.  Time to refocus.  I don’t know about you but for me food is the hardest for me to manage. I do pretty well during the day its the night time that sneaks up on me.  NO MORE SNACKING!!  I have been using the Lose It app to track calories, workouts, steps, etc…its a great way to keep focused.  The other fun way I have found to stay motivated is with Healthy Wage, basically you can sign up for a main challenge and then smaller challenges. If I hit my 50lb loss I will win $1400 which will practically pay for my Fall vacation. Here is the link if you want to find out more about it check out Healthy Wage.

I also know that I need to keep mixing up my workouts. I started out this year doing the Beachbody Cize workouts and have moved to the TurboFire HIIT workouts which I love!

In addition I am trying to incorporate more hiking into my weekends. I am not a true hiker who backpacks into the forest and camps but I like to find trails close to home and try new ones each weekend.  Some of them are more difficult than others but each give me a fun new way to get in

exercise.  This last weekend we tried out the Paradise Lake Conservation Area trail near Woodinville which was about 4 miles and then the Lord Hill Regional Park near Snohomish trail, we went about 6 miles (got a little off track on one of the smaller trails) and Fennie made it for both hikes (although only 4 of the 6 at Lord Hill, I carried her the last 2 miles).

If you are not a big hiker but want to try some fun places in the greater Seattle area you can follow this blog as I will try to post all of the trails we visit this year.

Happy Hiking!


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